The fast, fair and effective solution to climate change.

Kampanje tas opp
European Commission

0 Signaturer

Innsamling ferdig

0 Signaturer

Innsamling ferdig

  1. Startet 2019
  2. Innsamling ferdig
  3. Forbered innlevering
  4. Dialog med mottaker
  5. Beslutning

Dette er et europeisk borgerinitiativ.


Begjæringen er stilet til: European Commission

Scientists and economists agree: Putting an increasing price on pollution and giving the returns to households - works. A steadily increasing price on fossil fuels will reduce pollution. It leads companies and consumers to choose cleaner, cheaper options. All the money collected is returned fairly every month to citizens as a dividend. Most low and middle income families will be better off. A border adjustment protects our economy and drives global adoption. Other benefits include: cleaner air; more jobs and reduced government spending due to policy alignment.

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Informasjon om kampanjer

Petisjon startet: 06.05.2019
Begjæringen avsluttes: 02.02.2021
Region: Den europeiske union

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