On uniform information on public transport services available across the EU 

Петицията е адресирана до
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

8 Подписи

Колекцията приключи

8 Подписи

Колекцията приключи

  1. Започна 2020
  2. Колекцията приключи
  3. Подгответе подаването
  4. Диалог с получателя
  5. Решение

Това е онлайн петиция на Европейския парламент .

Тази петиция е налична и в български .

Петицията е адресирана до: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner complains that EU citizens do not have access to uniform information on public passenger transport services available across the EU. Although web pages and mobile apps provided by either transport companies or local authorities include information on public transport maps and timetables, he points out that this information is difficult to find or understand when moving from one EU Member State to another. He therefore suggests that public transport companies in the EU should be encouraged to use common standard formats when publishing information on public transport maps and timetables and that EU citizens should have access to a common source of information on public transport services across the EU. Finally, the petitioner believes that EU funds have not been sufficiently used for this purpose.

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Информация за петицията

Петиция започна: 17.01.2020 г.
Петицията приключва: 16.01.2021 г.
Регион: Европейски съюз

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