On the alleged discrimination between EU-students and Dutch students in the Netherlands, as regards free travel facilitation 

Петицията е адресирана до
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

332 Подписи

Колекцията приключи

332 Подписи

Колекцията приключи

  1. Започна 2020
  2. Колекцията приключи
  3. Подгответе подаването
  4. Диалог с получателя
  5. Решение

Това е онлайн петиция на Европейския парламент .

Тази петиция е налична и в български .

Петицията е адресирана до: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner claims that the Dutch authorities apply a discrepancy in the treatment of EU-students as compared to Dutch students, when it comes to free travel. She points at the free travel card -available for Dutch students- on all busses, trams and long-distance trains within the country, while other EU-students only receive this benefit when they comply with an additional requirement of proved working time. The petitioner claims that the 56 hours required working time per month is a hard condition to fulfil as a full-time student. She asks for equal treatment for EU-students in this regard.

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Информация за петицията

Петиция започна: 24.02.2020 г.
Петицията приключва: 23.02.2021 г.
Регион: Европейски съюз

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