On the ban on trawling within three miles of the north-east Atlantic coast without the possibility of derogations 

Kampanje tas opp
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

6 Signaturer

Innsamling ferdig

6 Signaturer

Innsamling ferdig

  1. Startet 2019
  2. Innsamling ferdig
  3. Forbered innlevering
  4. Dialog med mottaker
  5. Beslutning

Dette er en nettbasert petisjon av Europaparlamentet .


Begjæringen er stilet til: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner is asking for legislation at EU level on trawling in the Member States’ territorial waters. He criticises the practice of exemptions granted by the French administration at regional level in the first three miles from the French coast. He says these exemptions mainly favour bottom trawling, which is the least sustainable fishing technique, to the detriment of the marine area, and which threatens and diminishes biodiversity and living aquatic resources. The petitioner objects to the generalisation of exemptions in all coastal departments and the near impossibility of referring the matter to the Council of State, given the two-month time-limit for bringing action at national level.

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Informasjon om kampanjer

Petisjon startet: 24.09.2019
Begjæringen avsluttes: 23.09.2020
Region: Den europeiske union

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