Save the bees! Protection of biodiversity and improvement of habitats for insects in Europe

Petitie is gericht aan
European Commission

0 handtekeningen

De petitie is ingetrokken door de indiener

0 handtekeningen

De petitie is ingetrokken door de indiener

  1. Begonnen 2019
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
  3. Ingediend
  4. Dialoog
  5. Mislukt

Dit is een Europees burgerinitiatief.

Deze petitie is ook beschikbaar in Nederlands .

De petitie is gericht aan: European Commission

We need insects for our ecosystems and to ensure food security. The Commission must adopt legislation to maintain and improve habitats for insects as indicators of an undamaged environment. To demonstrably improve the natural basis for life we call for mandatory targets: - to make the promotion of biodiversity an overall objective of the CAP; - to dramatically cut the use of pesticides, ban harmful pesticides without exception and reform eligibility criteria; - to promote structural diversity in agricultural landscapes; - to effectively reduce nutrients (e.g. Natura 2000); - to effectively establish conservation areas (e.g. WFD); - to intensify research and monitoring and improve education.

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Gegevens met betrekking tot de petitie

Petitie gestart: 27-05-2019
De petitie eindigt: 02-02-2021
Regio: Europese Unie

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