
On the separation of his young child from the parents and on the insufficient care provided by the Child Protection Services (personal case) 

Petícia je zameraná na
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
0 0 v Európska únia

Zbierka bola ukončená

0 0 v Európska únia

Zbierka bola ukončená

  1. Zahájená 2020
  2. Zbierka bola ukončená
  3. Pripravte na odovzdanie
  4. Dialóg s príjemcom
  5. Rozhodnutie

Toto je online petícia Európskeho parlamentu .


In 2018, the petitioner’s child was taken away by the Dutch Child protection services (Jeugdbescherming), based on allegations of abuse. Six months later, the child was diagnosed with autism. The parents would like to have their parental rights re-installed, while the Protection Services suggest to transfer the child into a foster home. The petitioner further claims that, in the facility the child is sheltered now, no appropriate schooling or language teaching is provided for his child, nor the correct nutritional diet.

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