
Bearing three signatures, on the alleged lack of independence of the public prosecutor’s office in Poland  

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Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
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The petitioner states that links have existed between two Polish authorities since 2016 as a result of reforms carried out by the ruling political factions. The authorities in question are the General Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Minister for Justice. The petitioner believes that the new Act on the Public Prosecutor’s Office allows politicians to influence the activities of public prosecutors and to exercise political control (she claims that public prosecutor’s offices apply harsher criteria to those who are critical of the governing party than to those who are sympathetic to it or have political links with it; prosecution proceedings are initiated or discontinued on political grounds rather than on legal grounds). In the petitioner’s opinion, this situation is in conflict with the rights arising under the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and the TFEU.

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