
On the impact of animal-based diets on the environment and on health 

Петицията е адресирана до
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

14 Подписи

Колекцията приключи

14 Подписи

Колекцията приключи

  1. Започна 2020
  2. Колекцията приключи
  3. Подгответе подаването
  4. Диалог с получателя
  5. Решение

Това е онлайн петиция на Европейския парламент .

Тази петиция е налична и в български .

Петицията е адресирана до: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner requests that the European Union put in place measures to educate the public and healthcare professionals on the major negative impact of animal-based diets on the environment and on health as opposed to the positive impact of plant-based diets. The petitioner points out that most deaths in the western world, such as those resulting from heart disease, cancer and diabetes, could, to a large extent, be prevented if people followed plant-based diets. The petitioner calls for the European Union to allocate sufficient funds to educate people on the negative effects of animal-based diets on the environment and on health in order for there to be a gradual shift towards plant-based diets.

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Информация за петицията

Петиция започна: 14.01.2020 г.
Петицията приключва: 13.01.2021 г.
Регион: Европейски съюз
категория: Образование

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