On the inclusion of crimes against the environment as crimes against humanity in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court 

Petiția se adresează
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

11 Semnături

Colectia terminata

11 Semnături

Colectia terminata

  1. A început 2020
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Pregătiți depunerea
  4. Dialog cu destinatarul
  5. Decizie

Aceasta este o petiție online al Parlamentului European .

Această petiție este disponibilă și în română .

Petiția se adresează: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The Petitioner asks the EU to initiate, at the earliest possible occasion, the process to add gross acts of intended environmental destruction or negligence, damaging the planet, to the Rome Statute under the Article 7 “Crimes Against Humanity”. The Petitioner is of the view that persons in a position of power or influence should be held responsible for their action undermining science, research or activities intended to reduce industrial impact. In addition, he asks for an addendum to the Rome statute, so as to obtain that persons can be held accountable for this sort of crime – as it is of a global nature -, even if their country is not a signatory state.

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Informații privind petiția

Petiția a început: 31.01.2020
Petiția se încheie: 30.01.2021
Regiune: Uniunea Europeană

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