
On problems encountered by persons with disabilities in Bulgaria 

Peticioni drejtohet tek
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

9 nënshkrimet

Mbledhja mbaroi

9 nënshkrimet

Mbledhja mbaroi

  1. Filluar 2020
  2. Mbledhja mbaroi
  3. Përgatituni për paraqitje
  4. Dialog me marrësin
  5. Vendim

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Peticioni i drejtohet: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner is expressing deep concern about the constant restrictions related to persons with disabilities in Bulgaria. He explains that supports and benefits for disabled persons are gradually being reduced or withdrawn by the authorities, making the life of people with disabilities extremely difficult. The petitioner claims that in 2010 Bulgaria abolished the hereditary pension, which a person with disability used to receive after his/her parent had passed away. The transport support is now equivalent to 5 euros per month and the financial disability support is in the range of 75- 150 euros per month. The petitioner considers that a comprehensive reform is needed is needed in Bulgaria.

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Detajet e peticionit

Ka filluar peticioni: 25.02.2020
Peticioni përfundon: 24.02.2021
Rajon : Bashkimi Evropian
tema: Mirëqenie

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