On behalf of Stefi-Trans, bearing 13 signatures, on the checks of resting performed by the French authorities on Bulgarian haulier 

Peticija adresuota
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

5 parašai

Rinkimas baigtas

5 parašai

Rinkimas baigtas

  1. Pradėta 2020
  2. Rinkimas baigtas
  3. Parengti pateikimą
  4. Dialogas su gavėju
  5. Sprendimas

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Peticija adresuojama: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner representing a Bulgarian transport company complains about checking by some national authorities (French in this case) tachographs of the trucks and hotel billings of the drivers of these trucks, and about issuing high financial fines for not providing the bills. The petitioner recalls that the Regulation 561/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council of 15 march 2006 on the harmonisation of certain social legislation relating to road transport is currently under revision within the Mobility package I legislation and negotiations to obtain some derogations are on going, therefore these controls are inappropriate and unfair. In the petitioner’s opinion, these practices constitute a discrimination of the art. 21 of the EU Charter and violate citizens’ freedom of work and provide services across the MS.

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Informacija apie peticiją

Peticija prasidėjo: 2020-02-25
Peticija baigiasi: 2021-02-24
Regione: Europos Sąjunga


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