
On behalf of a group of Bulgarian and Romanian citizens and NGOs, on safety concerns regarding a repository for radioactive waste in Bulgaria 

Petitionen behandles
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

7 Underskrifter

Samlingen er afsluttet

7 Underskrifter

Samlingen er afsluttet

  1. Startede 2020
  2. Samlingen er afsluttet
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Dette er en online petition fra Europa-Parlamentet ,

Denne andragende er også tilgængelig i Dansk .

Andragendet er stilet til: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioners raise safety concerns regarding the construction of the National Repository for Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste in Radiana, Bulgaria, very close to the Danube River and the border with Romania. They argue that the construction will contaminate underground waters with radioactive waste (RAW), some of which has a half-life of several hundred thousand and even several tens of millions of years. The petitioners highlight legal issues with the environmental impact assessment and claim that the quantity of RAW to be deposited at Radiana will far exceed the estimates of the current project. They allege breaches of the Aarhus and Espoo Conventions and call for a halt of funding for this project.

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Oplysninger om petitionen

Andragende startede: 24.02.2020
Andragendet slutter: 23.02.2021
Region: Den Europæiske Union
Kategori: Miljø

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