Foreign affairs

On a decision by Jugendamt on a parent’s right to interact with his children (personal case) 

Petition is addressed to
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

8 signatures

Collection finished

8 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched 2020
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

Dies ist eine Online-Petition of the European Parliament.


Petition richtet sich an: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner, a Dutch citizen, has been living in Germany under the NATO Status of Forces Agreement. During that period, he divorced and the children were left under the custody of his wife. He has no more contact with his children since 1.5 year. The petitioner claims that the social worker, providing a report to the Jugendambt in view of the decision on the children, had some race and gender related tendencies. He also is unsatisfied with the subsistence amount he has to contribute for the education of the children.

Link to the petition

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Petition details

Petition gestartet: 01/31/2020
Petition endet: 01/30/2021
Region: European Union
Topic: Foreign affairs

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