Bearing 284 signatures, concerning the opaque design process of the next stage of construction of dry reservoirs in Kłodzko County and the environmental threats arising from this project 

Petición a.
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

7 Firmas

Colecta terminada.

7 Firmas

Colecta terminada.

  1. Iniciado 2019
  2. Colecta terminada.
  3. Preparar presentación.
  4. Diálogo con destinatario
  5. Decisión

Esta es una petición en línea Del Parlamento Europeo..

Esta petición también está disponible en Español. .

La petición está dirigida a: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner claims that irregularities occurred during the preparations for seeking World Bank funding for the next stage of the construction of dry reservoirs in Kłodzko County as part of the Oder-Vistula project (artificial regulation and improvement of the navigability of Polish rivers). In her opinion, public consultations were omitted, the residents were not informed about resettlement sufficiently in advance, the people affected were not given decent compensation for their property, nor were they able to appeal. In addition, the petitioner points to the irreversible effects of the construction of reservoirs on the landscape and ecological balance of Kłodzko County: destruction of forest ecosystems, including threats to animal and plant species protected under the Natura 2000 network as well as endangered species. There is also a risk of deteriorating water retention and the concreting over of areas that are valuable tourist sites, which would deprive many inhabitants of their livelihoods in this sector.

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Detalles de la petición

Petición iniciada: 17/10/2019
La petición termina: 16/10/2020
Región: Unión Europea
Categoría, Tema:

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