
On alleged violation of the Directive 93/13/EEC anddispute with a bank on a home loan 

Петиция адресована к
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

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Это онлайн-петиция Европейского парламента .


Петиция адресована: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner is a solicitor and has submitted the petition on behalf of her client. The petitioner explains that in the loan contract between her client and the bank, there are unfair terms which allow the bank to raise interests rates. The bank misled the client to sign the contract without proving her income. In 2010, however, the bank acquired an enforcement order without informing the client and without having the right to do it, as the client had paid her loan monthly. She filed a legal complaint, for which the court concluded that there were indeed unfair terms in the contract and that the bank had misled the client. Thereafter the bank, through a private bailiff, was issuing a foreclosure for the flat of the client. The petitioner calls on the European institutions, as a last resort, to take action in her case, as her rights have not been defended by the courts in Bulgaria.

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Информация о петиции

Петиция начата: 24.09.2019
Петиция завершена: 23.09.2020
Область: Европейский союз
Тема: Экономики

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