Representing the Union of European Producers of Green Energy (UEGEP), on the alleged distortion of competition rules in the Bulgarian energy market 

Peticijos pateikėjas
Peticija adresuota
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
34 Palaikantis 34 in Europos Sąjunga

Rinkimas baigtas

34 Palaikantis 34 in Europos Sąjunga

Rinkimas baigtas

  1. Pradėta 2019
  2. Rinkimas baigtas
  3. Parengti pateikimą
  4. Dialogas su gavėju
  5. Sprendimas

Tai internetinė peticija Europos Parlamento .


The petitioner alleges that there are three Bulgarian energy distribution companies that are allowed to operate in a dominant position. On the one hand, she claims that they purchase energy from 273 renewable energy producers (RES) under the Rural Development Program at a lower price than the one they would have to pay under their contractual obligations. On the other hand, she claims that the same energy distribution companies purchase energy from companies that have benefited from national and EU funding at a higher price than the price foreseen by the law. She alleges that the above practices constitute a breach of the Bulgarian Protection of Competition Act as well as articles 106(1) and 102 TFEU.

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