
On behalf of the victims of the iDental scam in Europe, on the infringement of their fundamental rights by the iDental company 

Petition richtet sich an
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

23 Unterschriften

Sammlung beendet

23 Unterschriften

Sammlung beendet

  1. Gestartet 2019
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Einreichung vorbereiten
  4. Dialog mit Empfänger
  5. Entscheidung

Dies ist eine Online-Petition des Europäischen Parlaments.

Diese Petition gibt es auch in Deutsch.

Petition richtet sich an: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner alleges that thousands of people have been defrauded by the company iDental and suffered damage to their health. The petitioner complains that through misleading advertisement on its subsidised services, the company ‘obliged’ customers to sign credit operations with banking entities, and then systematically delayed the dental treatment. The petitioner reports that numerous complaints have been filed against this company with the consumer and health authorities throughout Spain. The petitioner considers that adequate regulations in this area are lacking. He further requests that the Commission be urged to investigate and verify whether the Spanish consumer and health authoritieshave violatedEuropean legislation that protects and regulates the rights of consumersby issuing the pertinent permits and authorisations to the aforementioned company.

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Petition gestartet: 24.09.2019
Petition endet: 23.09.2020
Region: Europäische Union
Kategorie: Gesundheit

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Noch kein CONTRA Argument.

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