On the extension of product warranties in the EU 

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Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
11 Støttende 11 inn Den europeiske union

Innsamling ferdig

11 Støttende 11 inn Den europeiske union

Innsamling ferdig

  1. Startet 2019
  2. Innsamling ferdig
  3. Forbered innlevering
  4. Dialog med mottaker
  5. Beslutning

Dette er en nettbasert petisjon av Europaparlamentet .


The petitioner is calling on the European Parliament to evaluate the financial impact of extending the warranties for European consumers, businesses and manufacturing. The petitioner is also requesting the European Parliament to extend the consumer rights directives with specification of necessary product categories and warranty roadmaps for each. The petitioner is calling on the European Parliament to establish a process to regularly evaluate and update roadmaps. The petitioner is calling for a more sustainable approach to product warranties that last longer and increase the rate of repairs compared to waste.

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