Zaštita okoline

On behalf of Uniunea Salvați România, on the cross-border pollution of the Timiș River in Romania 

Peticija je upućena na
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

7 Potpisi

Zbirka završena

7 Potpisi

Zbirka završena

  1. Pokrenut 2019
  2. Zbirka završena
  3. Pripremite podnošenje
  4. Dijalog s primateljem
  5. Odluka

Ovo je online peticija Europskog parlamenta .

Ova je peticija također dostupna u Hrvatski .

Peticija se upućuje na: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner states that, for the past 10 years, the Lugoj city sewage plant has been severely polluting the Timiș River, affecting the water supply of numerous households in both Romania and Serbia. She complains that, despite repeated fines received over the years, the company that manages the sewage plant continues to operate and pollute undisturbed. According to the petitioner, a renovation of the sewage plant was started in 2009, but a 2016 audit of the Romanian Court of Audit revealed substantial shortcomings in the execution of the project, with most of the works either not finalized or improperly carried out.

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Informacije o peticiji

Peticija je pokrenuta: 24. 09. 2019.
Peticija završava: 23. 09. 2020.
Regija: Europska unija
Kategorija: Zaštita okoline

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