Stop Finning – Stop the trade

Petition is addressed to
European Commission

70,366 signatures

Collection finished

70,366 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched 2020
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision

This is an European Citizens' Initiative.


Petition is addressed to: European Commission

Although the removal of fins on board of EU vessels and in EU waters is prohibited and sharks must be landed with their fins naturally attached, the EU is among the biggest exporters of fins and a major transit hub for the global fin trade. EU is a major player in the exploitation of sharks and as inspections at sea are scarce fins are still illegally retained, transshipped, or landed in EU. We aim to end the trade of fins in the EU including the import, export and transit of fins other than if naturally attached to the animal’s body. As finning prevents effective shark conservation measures, we request to extend REGULATION (EU) No 605/2013 also to the trade of fins and therefore ask the commission to develop a new regulation, extending “fins naturally attached” to all trading of sharks and rays in the EU.

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Petition details

Petition started: 01/31/2020
Petition ends: 02/02/2021
Region: European Union

Not yet a PRO argument.

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