Fair Transport Europe – equal treatment for all transport workers

Petitioner ikke offentlig
Petitionen behandles
European Commission

0 Underskrifter

Petitionen er afsluttet

0 Underskrifter

Petitionen er afsluttet

  1. Startede 2015
  2. Samlingen er afsluttet
  3. Indsendt
  4. Dialog
  5. Afsluttet

Dette er et europæisk borgerinitiativ.

Denne andragende er også tilgængelig i Dansk .

Andragendet er stilet til: European Commission

Legislative and non-legislative proposals for ensuring fair competition and equal treatment of workers in the different transport modes. The objective of the “Fair Transport Europe” ECI is to end unacceptable business practices, which result in social and wage dumping practices. We call on the European Commission to ensure fair competition in the different transport modes and to guarantee equal treatment of workers (in respect of the principle of equal pay and working conditions), independently of the country of origin.

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Oplysninger om petitionen

Andragende startede: 14.09.2015
Andragendet slutter: 03.02.2020
Region: Den Europæiske Union

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