On behalf of the Confederación de Asociaciones Vecinales de Aragón (CAVA - Confederation of Aragonese local residents associations), on the possible failure by Spain to fulfil its obligation to treat sewage in environmentally sensitive areas in the Autonomous Community of Aragon 

Peticija je naslovljena na
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
5 podpornik 5 v Evropska unija

Zbiranje končano

5 podpornik 5 v Evropska unija

Zbiranje končano

  1. Začelo 2019
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Pripravite oddajo
  4. Dialog s prejemnikom
  5. Odločitev

To je spletna peticija Evropskega parlamenta .


The petitioner reports that the failure to treat sewage in many environmentally sensitive areas in Aragon is causing environmental damage and even cases of sickness in people living near the headwaters of rivers in the Pyrenees. He demands that the Spanish Government and the Government of the Autonomous Community of Aragon be instructed as a matter of urgency to ensure rapid provision of the sewage treatment infrastructure needed in the area.

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