For a socially fair Europe! Encouraging a stronger cooperation between EU Member States to fight poverty in Europe

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European Commission
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  1. Pokrenut 2014
  2. Zbirka završena
  3. Poslato
  4. Dijalog
  5. Okončano

Ovo je eEuropska Građanska inicijativa.

prikažite Hrvatska peticiju

Encouraging cooperation between Member States in fighting social exclusion through the common aim of insuring that less than 3% of people live below the poverty line in the EU. We want the European Commission to be more assertive in forging a genuine 'social Europe' by proposing the following: encouraging cooperation between EU member states in fighting social exclusion through the common aim of insuring that less than 3% of people live below the poverty line in the EU. ( 16% is the current rate)

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Pomoć jačanju građanske participacije. Želimo da vaše zabrinutosti budu saslušane dok ne postanete neovisni.
