For a socially fair Europe! Encouraging a stronger cooperation between EU Member States to fight poverty in Europe

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European Commission
0 de susținere 0 in Uniunea Europeană

Petiția a fost inchisa

0 de susținere 0 in Uniunea Europeană

Petiția a fost inchisa

  1. A început 2014
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Trimis
  4. Dialog
  5. Terminat

Aceasta este o inițiativă cetățenească europeană.

Encouraging cooperation between Member States in fighting social exclusion through the common aim of insuring that less than 3% of people live below the poverty line in the EU. We want the European Commission to be more assertive in forging a genuine 'social Europe' by proposing the following: encouraging cooperation between EU member states in fighting social exclusion through the common aim of insuring that less than 3% of people live below the poverty line in the EU. ( 16% is the current rate)

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