
On the discrimination of Portuguese teachers with fixed-term contracts working abroad 

Vetoomuksen esittäjä
Vetoomus on osoitettu
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
12 Tukeva 12 sisään Euroopan unioni

Keräys valmis

12 Tukeva 12 sisään Euroopan unioni

Keräys valmis

  1. Aloitti 2019
  2. Keräys valmis
  3. Valmistele hakemus
  4. Vuoropuhelu vastaanottajan kanssa
  5. Päätös

Tämä on online-vetoomus Euroopan parlamentin .

näytä Suomen Vetoomus

The petitioner complains that Portuguese teachers with fixed-term contracts who teach in Portuguese schools abroad are not able to occupy permanent teaching positions, contrary to their counterparts in continental Portugal. He points out that, after the renewal of four successive fixed-term contracts, teachers in Portugal can be hired on a permanent basis, whereas teachers in Portuguese schools abroad cannot. He argues that this amounts to discrimination and puts teachers abroad in a precarious situation.

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