Suspension of the EU Climate & Energy Package.

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Petice je adresována
European Commission
0 0 v Evropská unie

Petice byla dokončena

0 0 v Evropská unie

Petice byla dokončena

  1. Zahájena 2012
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
  3. Předloženy
  4. Dialog
  5. Hotový

Toto je evropská občanská iniciativa.

Suspend the 2009 EU Climate & Energy Package (excluding energy efficiency clauses) and further climate regulations until a climate agreement is signed by major CO2 emitters - China, USA, and India. 1. To stop EU climate policy wasting hundreds of billions of euros on ineffective unilateral action on the climate at a time of economic crisis. 2. To stop carbon leakage - export of jobs and businesses to developing countries without climate legislation. 3. To make fuel and energy cheaper, increase employment and reduce fuel poverty. This will increase social cohesion and reduce social exclusion. 4. To increase energy security by allowing member states to use their own natural energy resources.

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