On the procedure for the sale of lignite units of DEH SA (the Greek electricity company) in Meliti and Megalopoli 

Petīcija ir adresēta
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
0 0 iekš Eiropas Savienība

Kolekcija beidzās

0 0 iekš Eiropas Savienība

Kolekcija beidzās

  1. Sākās 2020
  2. Kolekcija beidzās
  3. Sagatavojiet iesniegšanu
  4. Dialogs ar saņēmēju
  5. Lēmums

Šī ir tiešsaistes petīcija Eiropas Parlamenta priekšsēdētājs ,

The petitioner represents a large number of affected persons from the procedure for the sale of two lignite units of DEH SA in Meliti and Megalopoli, as envisaged by Law 4533/2018 and related decisions of the European Commission.The petitioner challenges in particular the following aspects of the procedure and questions their compliance with the EU competition law and other provisions. Firstly, concerning the tender procedure: the pre-selection criteria and the final selection criteria, as well as the assessment of the value of the units. Secondly, the question of the sale of the two lignite units at a price that is not profitable for DEH SA ., for reasons related to both the structure and the operation of the Greek - and also of the European - electricity market and from the point of view of wider policy, social and employment issues.Thirdly The sale of the lignite units without safeguarding the financial interests of DEH SA that will result, in the near future, in additional costs at the expense of electricity consumers. Furthermore these and a number of other particularly critical aspects of the proposed sale of the lignite units were not the subject of a public debate and consultation. Before the adoption of Law 4533/2018, no hearing of interested parties and those having a legitimate interest, not even the competent public bodies and independent authorities, including the Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy, was organized. It is crucial to note, that the above competition procedure is under the direct control and supervision of not only the Greek Government, but also the European Commission, which according to Law 4533/2018 is ultimately responsible for decisions, approvals and control of the procedure throughout its duration. Therefore, the question arises as to whether the European Commission, acting in this way, duly performs its tasks and responsibilities in accordance with the Treaties.

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