Let us reduce the wage and economic differences that tear the EU apart!

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Петицията е адресирана до
European Commission
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Петицията е затворена

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Петицията е затворена

  1. Започна 2017
  2. Колекцията приключи
  3. Изпратено
  4. Диалогов прозорец
  5. Завършено

Това е европейска гражданска инициатива.

Показване на Български петиция

Legal acts that clearly demonstrate the EU’s intention to eliminate wage inequalities between Member States and which - to achieve this objective - allow for a more efficient cohesion of these states Due to significant wage differences the movement of workers is one-directional. Massive emigration leads to less-favored Member States falling even further behind. Meanwhile, richer Member States experience a massive influx of workers as an intrusion upon their interests, which tears the EU apart. The EU needs to clearly demonstrate its intention to eliminate wage inequalities affecting the free movement of workers in order for which the EU needs a more efficient cohesion to ensure its survival

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