Let me vote

Initiativtagaren är inte offentlig
Petitionen är riktat mot
European Commission
0 Stödjande 0 i Europeiska unionen

Petitionen är avslutad

0 Stödjande 0 i Europeiska unionen

Petitionen är avslutad

  1. Startad 2013
  2. Insamlingen är klar
  3. Inlämnad
  4. Dialog
  5. Avslutade

Detta är ett europeiskt medborgarinitiativ.

To strengthen the rights listed in article 20§2 TFEU by granting EU citizens residing in another Member State the right to vote in all political elections in their country of residence, on the same conditions as the nationals of that State. The goal of the initiative is to develop the political dimension of the European project by reinforcing citizens’ awareness that they share a common destiny. It would have the following effects: - To enhance the concept of European Citizenship; - To facilitate freedom of movement within the EU; In addition, it could contribute to remedying the loss of voting rights presently experienced by a significant number of EU citizens who are long-term residents of other Member States.

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