End Ecocide in Europe: A Citizens’ Initiative to give the Earth Rights

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La petizione va a
European Commission
0 Supporto 0 in Unione europea

La petizione è conclusa

0 Supporto 0 in Unione europea

La petizione è conclusa

  1. Iniziato 2013
  2. Raccolta voti terminata
  3. Presentata
  4. Dialogo
  5. Concluso

Questa è un'iniziativa dei cittadini europei.

We invite the European Commission to adopt legislation to prohibit, prevent and pre-empt Ecocide, the extensive damage to, destruction of or loss of ecosystems. 1. Criminalise Ecocide and ensure that natural and legal persons can be held responsible for committing Ecocide according to the principle of superior responsibility. 2. Prohibit and prevent any Ecocide on European territories or maritime territories falling under EU legislation, as well as acts outside the EU committed by EU registered legal persons or EU nationals. 3. Provide for a period of transition to facilitate a sustainable economy.

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