
Ban glyphosate and protect people and the environment from toxic pesticides

Petīcija ir adresēta
European Commission

1 070 865 Paraksti

Petīcija ir pieņemta.

1 070 865 Paraksti

Petīcija ir pieņemta.

  1. Sākās 2017
  2. Kolekcija beidzās
  3. Iesniegts
  4. Dialogs
  5. Panākumi

Šī ir Eiropas pilsoņu iniciatīva.

Šī petīcija ir pieejama arī Latviešu .

Lūgumraksts adresēts: European Commission

We call on the European Commission to propose to member states a ban on glyphosate, to reform the pesticide approval procedure, and to set EU-wide mandatory reduction targets for pesticide use. Ban glyphosate-based herbicides, exposure to which has been linked to cancer in humans, and has led to ecosystems degradation; ensure that the scientific evaluation of pesticides for EU regulatory approval is based only on published studies, which are commissioned by competent public authorities instead of the pesticide industry; set EU-wide mandatory reduction targets for pesticide use, with a view to achieving a pesticide-free future.

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Informācija par petīciju

Sākās petīcija: 25.01.2017
Petīcija beidzas: 02.02.2021
Reģions: Eiropas Savienība


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