
Ban glyphosate and protect people and the environment from toxic pesticides

Petición a.
European Commission

1.070.865 Firmas

Se aceptó la petición.

1.070.865 Firmas

Se aceptó la petición.

  1. Iniciado 2017
  2. Colecta terminada.
  3. Presentado.
  4. Diálogo
  5. Éxito.

Se trata de una iniciativa ciudadana europea.

Esta petición también está disponible en Español. .

La petición está dirigida a: European Commission

We call on the European Commission to propose to member states a ban on glyphosate, to reform the pesticide approval procedure, and to set EU-wide mandatory reduction targets for pesticide use. Ban glyphosate-based herbicides, exposure to which has been linked to cancer in humans, and has led to ecosystems degradation; ensure that the scientific evaluation of pesticides for EU regulatory approval is based only on published studies, which are commissioned by competent public authorities instead of the pesticide industry; set EU-wide mandatory reduction targets for pesticide use, with a view to achieving a pesticide-free future.

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Detalles de la petición

Petición iniciada: 25/01/2017
La petición termina: 02/02/2021
Región: Unión Europea
Categoría, Tema:

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