“30 km/h - making the streets liveable!"

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Petiția se adresează
European Commission

0 Semnături

Petiția a fost inchisa

0 Semnături

Petiția a fost inchisa

  1. A început 2012
  2. Colectia terminata
  3. Trimis
  4. Dialog
  5. Terminat

Aceasta este o inițiativă cetățenească europeană.

Petiția se adresează: European Commission

We suggest a 30km/h (20mph) EU-wide default speed limit for urban/residential areas. Local authorities may set other speed limits if they can show how environmental and safety needs of the most vulnerable road users are met. The EU has clear road safety and environmental goals but these are not yet met. A 30km/h (20mph) standard speed limit would help to implement them more efficiently as it has proven successful in reducing injuries and fatalities, noise, air pollution and CO2 emissions, and improving the traffic flow. People can travel with less fear. Environmentally friendlier modes become more attractive.
To meet the subsidiarity principle, the local authorities must have the final decision to set other speed limits on their roads and implement equivalent alternatives to meet the goals

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Informații privind petiția

Petiția a început: 13.11.2012
Petiția se încheie: 03.02.2020
Regiune: Uniunea Europeană

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