
On the construction of a composting plant to treat solid waste 

Peticija adresuota
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
1 rėmėjas 1 in Europos Sąjunga

Rinkimas baigtas

1 rėmėjas 1 in Europos Sąjunga

Rinkimas baigtas

  1. Pradėta 2020
  2. Rinkimas baigtas
  3. Parengti pateikimą
  4. Dialogas su gavėju
  5. Sprendimas

Tai internetinė peticija Europos Parlamento .


The petitioner complains about the establishment of a plant for the treatment of separately collected organic waste (FORSU), which was already authorised and financed under the Apulia Regional Operational Programme (2014-20). In particular, the petitioner claims that the future plant will not comply with requirements concerning minimum distances from homes (2 km) and from sensitive sites of the school type (2.5 km) and that it could interfere with the nearby production of high-quality wine (Primitivo di Manduria). The petitioner alleges infringement of Article 168 TFEU on public health and Directive 2008/98/EC on waste as regards the protection of human health and the environment, and calls for the EU to intervene.

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