Onobstacles to free movement due to cumbersome procedures for the issuance of certificates of qualification and diplomas in Croatia 

La petizione va a
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
0 Supporto 0 in Unione europea

Raccolta voti terminata

0 Supporto 0 in Unione europea

Raccolta voti terminata

  1. Iniziato 2019
  2. Raccolta voti terminata
  3. Preparare la presentazione
  4. Dialogo con il destinatario
  5. Decisione

Questa è una petizione online del Parlamento europeo .


The petitioner describes the difficulties he has encountered with multiple institutions in Croatia responsible for issuing and authenticating documents relating to educational and professional qualifications. The petitioner in particular emphasizes the undue burdens these long and costly procedures have on persons of low income, often requiring travel to Zagreb from poorer regions of Croatia, as the procedures in question apparently cannot be performed anywhere else in the country. The petitioner considers he has been hindered in his attempts to pursue work opportunities in other EU Member States as a result. He also states that his complaints to various national authorities and universities have never proven successful.

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