On alleged refusal of judiciary to enforce European Union Law in Bulgaria 

Petitionen är riktat mot
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
2 Stödjande 2 i Europeiska unionen

Insamlingen är klar

2 Stödjande 2 i Europeiska unionen

Insamlingen är klar

  1. Startad 2020
  2. Insamlingen är klar
  3. Förbered inlämning
  4. Dialog med mottagare
  5. Beslut

Detta är en online-petition av Europaparlamentet.


The petitioner complains about alleged refusal of judiciary to enforce the European Union Law primacy in Bulgaria and about some unlawful actions of a bank and a private bailiff.The petitioner alleges the bank that served her loan of an unfair treatment and taking advantage of it. She complains also about the lack of opportunity to defend her debt in front of the judiciary and subsequent harassment of the private bailiff on her and a member of her family.

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