On safer cashless payments 

Peticioni drejtohet tek
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

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Mbledhja mbaroi

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Mbledhja mbaroi

  1. Filluar 2020
  2. Mbledhja mbaroi
  3. Përgatituni për paraqitje
  4. Dialog me marrësin
  5. Vendim

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Peticioni i drejtohet: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner asks for closing the security gap for payments made by phone and for payments by card under 20 euro. He suggests that service providers should be obliged to check if the user of the card is the owner of the card, in particular when the PIN code is not required. He also explains that disabled people are disadvantaged when their mobile device is stolen and thus may fall more often victim of e-money theft.

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Detajet e peticionit

Ka filluar peticioni: 28.08.2020
Peticioni përfundon: 27.08.2021
Rajon : Bashkimi Evropian

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