On behalf of the World Federation of Trade Unions, on coal-fired plants in France 

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Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
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The petitioner, on behalf of the World Federation of Trade Unions, refers to the statement of President Macron to close the coal-fired plants by 2022. The petitioner claims that this objective will not have a major impact on the environment, and he highlights this decision against the different policies followed in other EU Member States. The petitioner states that the CO2- emissions from coal-fired plants represent 1% of all CO2-emissions. The petitioner further highlights the other consequences of the abolition, such as the rise of the electricity prices, dependence of France on alternative energy-resources from conflict torn regions and the loss of more than 5000 positions on the labour market. The petitioner calls for a moratorium on the decision for the coal-fired plants because any industry development project would need a minimum of 4 or 5 years to be established, and avoid a social catastrophe.

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