Socijalnim pitanjima

On an EU-wide disability card 

Peticija je upućena na
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
11 11 u Europska unija

Zbirka završena

11 11 u Europska unija

Zbirka završena

  1. Pokrenut 2020
  2. Zbirka završena
  3. Pripremite podnošenje
  4. Dijalog s primateljem
  5. Odluka

Ovo je online peticija Europskog parlamenta .

prikažite Hrvatska peticiju

The petitioner advocates EU-wide concessions for disabled people along the lines of what is provided in Germany for German nationals who have been issued with a severe-disability card. He puts forward three options: either a severe-disability card that is valid in all EU countries regardless of where it is issued; or, alternatively, a standard severe-disability card modelled on the German card could be introduced, though each Member State would be able to set its own criteria; or a standard EU-wide severe-disability card could be introduced.

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