Central public online collection platform for the European Citizen Initiative

Initiativtagaren är inte offentlig
Petitionen är riktat mot
European Commission
0 Stödjande 0 i Europeiska unionen

Petitionen är avslutad

0 Stödjande 0 i Europeiska unionen

Petitionen är avslutad

  1. Startad 2012
  2. Insamlingen är klar
  3. Inlämnad
  4. Dialog
  5. Avslutade

Detta är ett europeiskt medborgarinitiativ.

We want to enable all European Citizens to participate in the European politics. Therefore we have to provide a low barrier tool which works instantly and without technical expertise. Provide an Online Europeean Initiatives Platform where you can register new initiatives and collect signatures. Show an overview of all initiatives which can be broken down by topic, country and popularity. Allow originators of an initiative to get in contact with their supporters and allow all citizens to discuss and argure initatives. Show transparrently at which state each of the initatives are and who is in charge of the next step until a final deciscion has been made.

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