
Abolish disproportionate advanced driving exams for motorcycle licenses

Kërkuesi jo publik
Peticioni drejtohet tek
Committee on Petitions (Petitionsausschuß)

40 nënshkrimet

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40 nënshkrimet

Kërkuesi nuk e ka paraqitur peticionin.

  1. Filluar 2021
  2. Mbledhja mbaroi
  3. Paraqitur
  4. Dialog
  5. I dështuar

Petition richtet sich an: Committee on Petitions (Petitionsausschuß)

Up until now, in order to obtain the EU driving license classes A2 and A, the same advanced driving exam has to be passed in each case, even if the next smaller driving license class is already in possession.
The prescribed driving license examinations for all classes A1, A2 and A have identical specifications in all EU states, which is why it is absolutely disproportionate to have to pass the same examination again after 2 or 4 years of driving experience in order to reach the next driving license class.


Typical costs for an advanced driving test in EU countries are:
180-250€ basic fee of the driving school
100-150€ driving school exam fee
50-60€ practice hour before exam with driving school motorcycle
130€ examination fees to an authority
35€ processing fee to the respective district office
I.e. you have to pay 450-600€ for an exam, which you already passed identically two years before!
There are no exercises or adjustments made to the fact that the "new" motorcycle has more power.
This makes the EU motorcycle driving license upgrade tests nothing more than chicanery for learner drivers and a money printing machine for driving schools.
Due to the extremely regulated market of authorized driving schools, they can thus charge the ridiculously high fees without losing students to the lack of competition.

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Petition gestartet: 18.06.2021
Petition endet: 17.06.2022
Rajon : Bashkimi Evropian
tema: Trafik&transport

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