
Zadendiversiteit wordt bedreigd: Geen Europese regulering ten gunste van de zadenindustrie

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Peticioni drejtohet tek
Mitglieder der Kommission, des Parlamentes und des Rates der EU

52 899 nënshkrimet

Peticioni u pranua

52 899 nënshkrimet

Peticioni u pranua

  1. Filluar 2013
  2. Mbledhja mbaroi
  3. Paraqitur
  4. Dialog
  5. Sukses

Peticioni ishte i suksesshëm!

10.03.2014, 00:56

Dear supporter!

On Tuesday is the big seed day in the EU-Parliament. It The EP will vote on their statement on the commissions proposal in plenary. What will happen?
Scenario A: The Parliament adopts a “non-legislative rejection”. This is just a postponement - just a show. In this scenario, the new parliament will continue the work after elections in May.

Scenario B: The Parliament adopts a LEGISLATIVE rejection. This would mean the political death of the seed regulation. On Monday evening, the major political groups will discuss the issue on and fix their position. A so called 1st reading.

It is VERY important to call them and demand a LEGISLATVIE rejection (Option B).
The draft for such an LEGISLATIVE RESOLUTION is already tabled! You find it here: or: Please chose your language at the top of the page.

English text of the tabled legislative resulution:
"The European Parliament, ... 1. Rejects the Commission proposal;
2. Calls on the Commission to withdraw its proposal and submit a new one;
3. Instructs its President to forward its position to the Council, the Commission and the national parliaments."

Please contact the relevant people per telephone.
1.) your national MEPs , see
2.) the rapporteurs see
3.) The presidents of the Parliament, see You just need to click on them to obtain their phone numbers.

VERY IMPORTANT: Please note that Monday, 10. March, it’s the "Strasbourg session". This means: Until lunch: Make phonecalls in Brussels. After lunch: Make phonecalls in Strasbourg. It would be really important if you could call them!

There is still a chance to kick the proposal back! Let's use it!

Best regards
Andreas Riekeberg

Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty

Ndihmoni në forcimin e pjesëmarrjes së qytetarëve. Ne duam t'i bëjmë shqetësimet tuaja të dëgjohen dhe të mbeten të pavarura.

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