
Open letter for the 10% of the global biodiversity

Petīcijas iesniedzējs nav publisks
Petīcija ir adresēta
European Parliament

125 Paraksti

Petīcijas autors petīciju nav iesniedzis

125 Paraksti

Petīcijas autors petīciju nav iesniedzis

  1. Sākās 2021
  2. Kolekcija beidzās
  3. Iesniegts
  4. Dialogs
  5. Neizdevās

Lūgumraksts adresēts: European Parliament

Dear young people from all around the world that worries about climate change,
More than 50 millions of Colombians currently lives in a territory that shelters around 10% of the earth's biodiversity, in our territory inhabit indigenous communities that during more than 200 years they had defended the nature where they live. The indigenous communities called this nature "Pachamama", endemic species that exist in our land. We are descendants of slaves, mestizos, and a cultural diversity , that is more and more aware of the responsibility we hold with the planet we live in, however, during this worldwide pandemic violence is killing more of us than covid-19 and today we are addressing you BECUASE WE NEED YOUR HELP.
We are alone fighting for a decent live, that allows us to study, work, and have a good health system, basic questions , without which in the nearest future we will have no way to defend our "Pachamama". What is happening is the following:

  • Against the constitution, the government will resume the aerial fumigations with glyphosate. Yes, Glyphosate will no longer be allowed on German crops from 2024. It will be spray from the airplanes onto civilians and ecosystems. Colombia shelters around 10% of the world's biodiversity. Yes, the poison that is produce by Bayer here in Germany. Also, it has been documented that the direct effect of the aerial fumigations is to increase the cocaine price abroad, enriching the drug dealers. 
  • It is public knowledge that the president Ivan Duque has been linked with the drug dealer " Ñeñe" Hernandez during his campaign, but that message doesn't get heard on the countries abroad. In the country his main politic support is Alvaro Uribe Velez , a character with hundred investigations related with drug dealing and paramilitarism ( Matarife in English), he is the person that manage the power strings in the country.
  • The government has governed by decree during a year, with zero transparency and very little democracy, and now it has been decided to do a tax reform where the medium class will pay 70% of the depth and the big companies will pay very little. Have you question yourselves about how we are going to have discussions about climate change, if we don't have what to eat or how to study?


  • The government is spending the money from the pandemic in fighter aircraft and in a TV show that only feeds the president's ego. What are the planes for? for war, to bomb the jungle with the excuse to look for guerrilla, in camps where minors are kidnapped by criminal gangs. Yes, and what does the government say about it? that they are not minors, that they are "war machines".


  • The government negotiated the buying of vaccines late and the country is very late in the vaccination. Punishes the regions with weaker infrastructures due to their slow application of the small number of vaccines they send, by not sending them more vaccines. Colombia in his majority does not have roads and most areas that guards the jungle like the Amazon , the biogeographic Choco or the Orinoco, are not the exception. Right now, the Amazon border with Brazil is left alone and without any help. Leaving alone the communities, is condemned them to extermination, since for more than 200 years we have known that the indigenous communities are more vulnerable to flu illnesses. Without them Who is going to defend the jungle?.
  • We are also affected by Climate Change. Last year the hurricane Lota went through La Isla de Providencia in the Caribbean, and it almost disappears from the map. The island contains the third biggest coralline barrier of the world , until now its habitants keep sleeping in tents under the rain because these government has not done anything for them, more than piling up rubble. Who and how will take care of the reef in the meantime?
  • Colombia is tired and the people has decided to go out to the streets to protest. A protest that also supports the health staff because they have been working limitless for more than a year without any guarantees, a lot of them are not vaccinated and they even had to buy face masks with their own money. To top it off the government pretends to upgrade the health system, making it even more private and worst salary to the doctors. At the moment, there is health staff that is fighting against the pandemic that they owe them more than a year of salary and they had to buy without any salary their own protection materials. Under the new tax reform , if you get sick "is your fault because you did not take care of yourself" and the health insurance does not cover anything.
  • The Colombian government knows what and how to talk to international community, but they are killing everyone slowly. The massacres return and everyday a social leader of the country gets kill, not counting it does not comply with the peace agreements, agreements that imply to share the land and to begin to plan our sustainable development. The government wants to bring back the armed conflict, only in that case they can sell and use our resources how they want to.
  • Just to mention some examples in October 2020 Juana Perea was killed, who opposed to the construction of a bridge in Tribuga, in the pacific where the Humpback whales arrive every year to reproduce.
  • Gonzalo Cardona Molina was killed on the 11 of January 2021, he dedicated his live protecting the yellow-eared Parrot (Ognorhynchus icterotis) that only habitats on the wax palms (Ceroxylon quindiuense) both endemic species over the Andes Mountains. ((
  • It is not just them; it is a lot more people at least 383 since 2016, when the peace agreements was sign, according to the portal Pacifista (
  • Francisco Vera , an activist for the last 11 years has been threatened with death through Twitter (@franciscoactivista on Instagram )

Since April 2021, thousands of adults and teenagers have thrown themselves into the streets to protest, the president decided to militarize the country, and the bulletin Temblores NGO Colombia reported (07.05.2021):
Police Brutality: 1773
Arbitrary arrests: 945
Homicides: 37
Firearm shootings by the police: 105
Sexual assault by the public force: 11
Colombia is a country that is far from discussions about vegetarianism, veganism, recycling, CO2 emissions, but is because for us defending the environment can cost our Lifes, we need to be heard, we need your empathy, a lot of us are willing to give our life for the future we do not have, we are only asking for your voice. 
Here abroad in diplomatic positions friends of this corrupt government are representing Colombia and the news of what is happening to us is not seen on the international press.
Thousands of youths in Colombia are willing to die while they raise their voices for a better future, just remember that if we die in Colombia, ALL of us are going to lose the 10% of biodiversity that we need in this era of climate change.

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Informācija par petīciju

Sākās petīcija: 05.05.2021
Petīcija beidzas: 03.05.2022
Reģions: Eiropas Savienība
Kategorija: Vide

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