On the product liability of logistics providers 

Petīcija ir adresēta
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
0 0 iekš Eiropas Savienība

Kolekcija beidzās

0 0 iekš Eiropas Savienība

Kolekcija beidzās

  1. Sākās 2019
  2. Kolekcija beidzās
  3. Sagatavojiet iesniegšanu
  4. Dialogs ar saņēmēju
  5. Lēmums

Šī ir tiešsaistes petīcija Eiropas Parlamenta priekšsēdētājs ,

According to the petitioner, product liability is being undermined by mail-order companies operating within the EU, which also provide logistics services for other producers and traders based outside the EU. According to him, the mail-order companies are not liable and the producers and traders based outside the EU cannot be contacted in the event of liability claims. This gives rise to a competitive disadvantage among traders within and outside the EU who use these logistics companies. In addition, there is no clear indication that the sale is being conducted by a third party. The petitioner calls for logistics providers who undertake to dispatch products from sites in the EU to addresses in the EU on behalf of traders outside the EU, in order to be classified as importing entities and be compelled to assume product liability.

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