
On the danger caused by smart meters and 5G to health 

A petição é dirigida a
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
4 Apoiador 4 em União Europeia

Colecta finalizada

4 Apoiador 4 em União Europeia

Colecta finalizada

  1. Iniciado 2020
  2. Colecta finalizada
  3. Preparar submissão
  4. Diálogo com o destinatário
  5. Decisão

Esta é uma petição online do Parlamento Europeu.

A reencaminhar

The petitioner claims that the obligatory use of smart meters and the upcoming 5G may entail a serious health risk, in particular to vulnerable persons in society. He claims to have never received a reply from the Luxembourg authorities, when he asked to share a study of the Ministry of Health, prepared in view of the use of smart meters and 5G. He believes the obligatory use of these tools is contrary to the principles listed in Article 2 of the TEU, such as human dignity, freedom, democracy. In his petition, the petitioner refers to different areas in society, such as hospitals and schools, and also to different solutions that could be found.

Link para a petição

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