On introducing a uniform system of discounts on public transport in the EU for children and young people in education, irrespective of their nationality 

Петиція адресована
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
2 Підтримуючий 2 в Європейський Союз

Збір завершено

2 Підтримуючий 2 в Європейський Союз

Збір завершено

  1. Розпочато 2019
  2. Збір завершено
  3. Підготувати подання
  4. Діалог із одержувачем
  5. Рішення

Це онлайн-петиція Європейського парламенту .


The petitioner argues that the introduction of a uniform system of discounts for children and young people in education in all Member States would prevent discrimination on the basis of nationality in other Member States. He provides the example of Poland, where discounts are granted only to children and young people who have ID cards issued by Polish schools or foreign schools that teach in Polish, and the example of Croatia, where discounts for young people and children vary in percentage depending on their nationality (Croatian children and young people pay 5% less). The petitioner asks the Parliament to use an indirect legislative initiative to urge the Commission to address this issue in the form of a draft directive.

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