On cross-border sale of heating fuel 

Peticija je naslovljena na
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
2 2 v Evropska unija

Zbiranje končano

2 2 v Evropska unija

Zbiranje končano

  1. Začelo 2020
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Pripravite oddajo
  4. Dialog s prejemnikom
  5. Odločitev

To je spletna peticija Evropskega parlamenta .


The petitioner lives in Germany, close to the border with Luxembourg. He used to buy his heating fuel in Germany, but when prices in Germany scaled up considerably, he decided to order his heating fuel in Luxembourg, as prices in Luxembourg were up to 40 cents less per litre. Companies though replied that they were not allowed to deliver in Germany, or that they could deliver in Rheinland-Pfalz, but not Saarland. The petitioner asks the Committee on petitions to examine this improper functioning of the Single Market.

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