Every business must have own website

Petitionen har spärrats för att användaravtalet inte har följts.
Petitioner som går emot Villkor för användning för openPetition, avslutas och är inte längre offentligt tillgängliga.

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Petitioner med direkt eller indirekt reklam för egna produkter, tjänster eller partier kommer avbrytas. Petitioner med direkt eller indirekt reklam för partier är tillåtna om partiet självt har startat själva petitionen. Petitioner lanserade av sympatisörer eller medlemmar av ett parti som inkluderar direkt eller indirekt reklam för partier är inte tillåtna.

Texten till petitionen

I want to make all commerce companies to have a website in order to know what are the real business situation within every firm.

Do you believe that promotion of each company is a key to its success and profitability? Personally, I do! Just think about the world of online technologies and advanced advertising techniques we are living in today and you will understand what I mean! It is close to impossible to organize a profitable business without establishing the online presence! This is what makes the search of a trusted and reliable website builder co crucial these days!

With an immense choice of site builders that differ with regard to their basic features, services offered and cost, there are those that stand out in the crowd and the majority of them can be accessed at http://superbwebsitebuilders.com – a trusted platform that presents the detailed and informative reviews of the most popular and functional website builders, each of which can help a business owner create a one-of-a-kind website based on the individual preferences and business needs of a client! I believe that this is an outstanding opportunity to gain business success today!

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