
Bearing 220 signatures, on the environmental damage to the Galeria Valley near Rome (Italy) 

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Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

69 Signaturer

Innsamling ferdig

69 Signaturer

Innsamling ferdig

  1. Startet 2019
  2. Innsamling ferdig
  3. Forbered innlevering
  4. Dialog med mottaker
  5. Beslutning

Dette er en nettbasert petisjon av Europaparlamentet .


Begjæringen er stilet til: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner expresses concern at the serious and ongoing environmental damage to the Galeria Valley near Rome.. She claims that the high concentration of industry in the area is resulting in high pollution levels and is potentially very harmful to human health and the environment. She further alleges that a refinery, oil pipelines, an incinerator, landfills, cement works and deposits of gas, special waste and dangerous substances are located in the immediate vicinity of a Natura 2000 site.

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Informasjon om kampanjer

Petisjon startet: 24.09.2019
Begjæringen avsluttes: 23.09.2020
Region: Den europeiske union
kategori: Bygge

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