ACT 4 Growth

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Peticioni drejtohet tek
European Commission
0 Mbështetëse 0 në Bashkimi Evropian

Procesi i peticionit ka mbaruar

0 Mbështetëse 0 në Bashkimi Evropian

Procesi i peticionit ka mbaruar

  1. Filluar 2013
  2. Mbledhja mbaroi
  3. Paraqitur
  4. Dialog
  5. I përfunduar

Kjo është një nismë e qytetarëve evropianë.

This ECI has 4 concrete proposals for policy intervention to develop female entrepreneurship as a strategy for sustainable economic growth in Europe. 1. Create an office of European Women's Business Ownership 2. Appoint a Women’s Enterprise Director 3. Collect data, produce annual policy and research updates 4. Enforce current gender equality legislation These policies replicate those put in place in 1988 in USA who then doubled the number of female entrepreneurs and increased jobs created. The mandatory element of data collection and procurement policy had the greatest effect.

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